Thursday, 24 April 2014

Day 1 recovery

Thursday Day 1 recovery
I was in bed for most of the day today. I wasn’t really able to sit upright in bed so my wife fed me for the most part. I felt very compos mentis, but in a lot of pain from the wounds in particular. The oxygen was removed which was becoming irritating and at around midday the doctor came to visit and checked the wound. He had me sit and stand up and walk a few steps which I thought was encouraging. He then explained I would need an xray to check the operation was successful and this would happen later. I also had a visit from the cardiologist who did some checks and said everything was ok. At around 4.30 I was taken for an xray and again had to get out of bed to stand up to do the xray. Dr Ekpatipan then came to check the results and show me what he had done. He explained that everything had gone to plan and all titanium inserts were placed perfectly. Relieved, I was then wheeled up to my room to have dinner. The nurses again took over and gave me my next supply of drugs. I have been on a variety of medicines, pain killers, IV antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and vitamins. The nurse brings them in at regular intervals and I dutifully swallow them down.

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