Friday, 25 April 2014

Day 2 Recovery

Friday Day 2

Rest, rest and more rest was the order of today. Some friends came round to visit which was great and I watched movies, read the paper and slept. The nurse was able to remove the catheter from my penis which was not a pleasant experience. It didn’t hurt as such but burned slightly. Having a catheter in was very strange. I didn’t actually urinate for a few days but the bag just kept filling up. It was weird not to have the sensation of urinating but being able to see the final result.  Once this was removed I had to get up and go to the toilet myself. Going to the toilet after removing the catheter was fine. I was also able to defecate which was relieving as I was sure this would be painful and uncomfortable. I was able to get up and walk around the ward a couple of times which was fantastic for me as I was getting a bit bed sore. I used a walking frame to help but I was actually able to walk freely. I used the frame when resting and as a support if I felt dizzy which I did when initially getting up. I had difficulty sleeping as the pain from the wounds was extreme so I asked the nurse for a pain killing injection. She gave me some morphine and sleep came very quickly. Today I was taken off the IV antibiotics and given them in tablet form. Another small milestone met.

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