Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Day 20 Recovery

Tuesday Day 20

Another good day to chalk up. Woke up feeling pretty good considering the previous day's activities. Had the usual medications and have had no significant right leg pain throughout the day. My back muscles felt a bit sore and my back in general felt week particularly after I had been sitting down for a short while. I have been told these muscles will take time to be back to how they were so am not concerned too much about this. So, it seems I have turned a bit of corner regarding pain. This could be due to generally getting better or due to the change in medication. I am sure it’s a mixture of both. The medication (Tramadol and Neurontin) )has certainly made me feel more drowsy than usual and I’ll be happy to get off these as soon as possible and get back to work. For the time being I am going to continue with light exercise (walking) to help build up my back muscles and to monitor my wound to ensure it is healing correctly. The lack of constant pain in my right leg has cheered me up no end and long may this continue.

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